Frequently Asking Questions

What is included in a subscription plan?

Classes On Demand is just like a Netflix subscription - you pay an ongoing subscription fee and get unlimited access to our library of pre-recorded classes. 

Can I cancel my subscription?

Your Classes on Demand subscription renews automatically each month, quarter or year depending on your subscription type.

There is no lock in period, but if you wish to cancel your subscription please email with your Cancellation Notice at least 72 hours before your next payment is due. Please note: You will not be eligible for any credit or refund for unused access.

Alternatively, go to the Mindbody website and select “Terminate” on your Classes On Demand subscription. Please note: If you choose this option your access to the Classes On Demand platform will end immediately and you will not be eligible for any credit or refund of unused access.

What type of classes are available?

We have a range of dance styles at all levels available in our Classes On Demand library.

Dance styles include Ballet, Contemporary, Lyrical, Jazz, Hip Hop, JFH, Tap, Yoga, Pilates and Body Conditioning.

What do I need to do to set up for my classes?

We recommend you have a safe space to dance, making sure the area is clear of objects, pets and furniture so you can focus on the moves! Move within your own ability level, and listen to your body and how it's feeling each day. Modify steps as you need - and don't forget you can rewind the class if you need to go over something again! 

How do I find the class for me?

Use the filter function in the classes catalog to search for the class you feel like doing today. You can search by dance style, teacher, level and duration. You can also tag your favourite videos to come back to later.

The best thing about doing Classes On Demand is you can pause, restart and rewind classes as you need!